Hello! My name is Jeremy and welcome to my blog site The Café Nomad! I’m still figuring out how to set up this website because right now it’s in shambles. I didn’t realize editing a website was this difficult. But anyway, a little bit about me, I’m 24 years old right now and I love traveling and going on adventures. Even though I haven’t traveled a whole lot as of now (I’ve been to 3 countries outside of the US), I’m hoping with this blog that it will push me to travel more, have new experiences, and get me outside of my comfort zone. I want to write about the trips I’ve had, the places I visited while I was there, and give recommendations to you from a firsthand perspective. I also enjoy spending a lot of my time in cafés, hence the name The Café Nomad. In my travels, I’m expecting to visit several coffee shops around the world and I’ll give you my opinion on them and let you know if they’re worthwhile or not. I actually have my first trip to Ireland planned 2 months from now in April 2025 so you can expect to see some blog posts about my experiences in Ireland pretty soon.

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